
  Lospass official guide book/ FSR official fan book - Photos from a Japanese auction site.

Yes this is the same guidebook that aids you during the game. The Lospass guidebook was designed to look like a tropical tourist resort hand book. The guide book has been out of print for quite a while.
Used copies are rather hard to obtain & freshly sealed copies are even worse.
They sometimes cost well over 100 $ depending on the vendor.
Here's a link to amazon that's selling a copy for 20,000 yen. (170$)

Wish I could attain a copy for myself,but most vendors don't ship overseas, plus that's a bit too pricy for a strategy guide.
(Although if you've ever played FSR you can see why the guide has become a collector's item.
The guide is simply gorgeous.)

Katharine (Briefcase) ~ Promo item

Sumio's partner in the flesh, sort of.
Here is a cosplay of a young woman posing with Katharine.

WATER ~ for relaxing time

The official ost of FSR. This album only contains the classical piano remixes from FSR. More than half of the songs from FSR did not make it into the disc.
note: GHM never made a full length album for FSR,despite the popularity & accalim that the FSR soundtrack has recieved. A sad shame I'd be one of the first in line if GHM ever decided to release a 4 disc complete ost FSR album.

Click here to dl some mp3s.

SHINE ~ for high time

XXXXXXXX GHM records exclusive
An indie abum that can only be obtained through GHM records. This album includes some of the more upbeat bgm of FSR. Unfortunately most of the songs from the game are still not incuded. (The Ed save point FSR remix.)

FSR t-shirt (SOLD OUT)

XXXXXXXX GHM records exclusive


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7 SINS 7 KILLERS - Killer 7 SINdicate

The versatile code input machine "Katharine" is used for the solution of an obstructive event. Katharine is connected with the object (Jack Inn), and the encrypted code is dialed.
The hint concerning the code is published in the tour guidebook "THE LOSPASS". The player searches out the pages of the guide book for subliminal messages to the correct code.

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