Sources: Absolute Gothic, & Yumetama (Plus my own gameplay experience.)
Kishi, Mika

birthday: On August 11, she's a Leo
blood type: AB
type height: 163cm (5'4)
Breast/Waist/Hip: She plans to keep it a secret until she get's thinner.
school year: First grader (10th grade) 2nd grader (11th grader) in Moonlight Syndrome.
club activities: Badminton, and Lacrosse
Mika is a Tsuyoshi Domoto fan girl.
Mika in Twilight Syndrome:
A student from Hinashiro high.
She's pretty good at networking with peers, both in & out of school. Ms Kishi exhibits a curious, but haughty air about her.
Mika always carries with her a MD Walkman, a camera, and a pager in her yellow backpack.
Mika admires Yukari and she sometimes gets jealous of Chisato.
(Chisato & Yukari are childhood friends who are both in the same grade.)
Mika in Moonlight Syndrome:
Topdrunkee's opinion:
Damn, Mika has nice tits. One thing that I find unsettling about Mika is how she seems to change ethnicity at the drop of a hat. Sometimes she appears to be full blown European. Other times she looks likes she could pass for Japanese.
Now you see, that's the part that confounds me.
Mika is said to resemble Kyoko Kazan. Unlike Mika, Kyoko actually looks Japanese 90% of the time. Whereas Mika looks foreign at least 30% of the time that you see her in Moonlight Syndrome.
The only similarities that both Kyoko & Mika seem to have is that they're both good looking (Kyoko's prettier), & both have huge racks that I'd like to suck on. (Mika has bigger titties.)
Hasegawa, Yukari

birthday: On April 15, She's an Aries
blood type: A
A type height: 168cm (5'6)
Breast/Waist/Hips : Get your mind out of the gutter.
school year: Second grader (11th grade) Senior in Moonlight Syndrome
club activities: former member of the basketball club
Yukari is a Charles Bronson fan, & her favorite song is "Wild Moon Swing" by THE CURE
At 16 years old Yukari exudes an aura of independence & cool, which was possibly due to the her parents divorce.
She used to go out with a teacher named Kitamura, but the relationship did not go as expected. Her & Chisato are childhood friends.
She thinks Mika to be gloomy/moody, but on the other hand part of Mika's personality is redeemed by her brightness/glibness. Yukari Hasegawa was the main character of TS: Investigation.
The twilight syndrome was a story of her persona becoming whole.
Yukari is the one (Out of the trio.) who people sympathize with most. She faces many dilemmas in her home, and love life.
Yukari in Moonlight Syndrome:
Topdrunkee's opinion:
Yukari definitely has the best personality out of the three. She listens to the Cure & happens to be a Charles Bronson fan.
Contrast that with Mika, who is a typical Japanese school girl who listens to Johnny's Jr. hack jobs. Chisato's interests are so obscure that not even I know about them.
I always wondered why MS made you play as Yukari a lot after Mika went missing. It turns out that Yukari was the central character in the other games that Mika was in.
Itsushima, Chisato

birthday: On June 24, she's a Cancer
blood type: O-type
height: 158cm (5'2)
Three size:Oh, grow up!
school year: Second grader (11th grade) Senior in Moonlight Syndrome
club activities: archery club
Chisato is a Kiichi Nakai fan. LET'S! of Catherine Exercise
Chisato is the most reliable when it comes to the spiritual. Her gentle character & her paranormal abilities are a great asset to Yukari (sometimes, Mika). She seems to be the main character of Twilight Syndrome search, but I'm not sure. Chisato is the character that I know the least about. It's unfortunate, because she seems to have a massive background story.
Chisato became addicted to karaoke when Mika took her to a karaoke club.
Chisato in Moonlight Syndrome:
Topdrunkee's opinion:
Meh. At least her younger sister is Yayoi, and Yayoi was a babe in FSR. (Assuming that both Yayoi Itsushima & Yayoi Hanayama are the same person.)
Kazan, Kyoko
 Age: 18
school year:senior
Kyoko Kazan is a senior who has been purported to be the spitting image of Mika Kishi. She was killed early on in a traffic accident while she was riding her vespa. Her younger brother Kyoko Kazan has been burdened with immense sadness over her death.
Ryo eventually turns his affection over to Mika Kishi, who reminded him of Kyoko.
We later find out that Kyoko was killed due to a contract that Sumio Touba agreed to with a god of contract named Mitra.
Sumio sought to break the Kazan's apart, because he was jealous of Ryo.
Sumio may have had Kyoko's body.
(Even to the end. Sumio kept Kyoko's head, because it was the only trace left of Kyoko's body after the accident.)
However Sumio never could attain the same level of affection, & true love that Kyoko held for her brother.
Yes that's right, the Kazan's are involved in an incest relationship with each other.
Note: Mika never really cared much for Kyoko. Mika was way too upset about a rumor that she heard about her.
It's been said that Kyoko may have been Sumio's lover, whom Mika had a crush on.
Unfortunately Mika never does get the chance to go out with Sumio, because Sumio gets killed in a double homicide by a former lover whom was impregnated by him.
Kazan, Ryo
 Age: 16
school year:High school drop out.
The younger brother of Kyoko Kazan. They shared a bond with each other that far exceeded even the kinship of blood. The Kazan's were involved in an incest relationship with one another. Sumio had Kyoko killed, because he was jealous of the affection that Kyoko had for her brother.
Yayoi showed Ryo to the v.i.p. room of a night club called "Lost Highway". Sumio was in the backroom waiting for Ryo to show up. Yayoi handed Ryo a bag. Inside the bag was Kyoko's head.
Ryo kept her head after Sumio was killed during a double homicide by an ex lover.
Ryo received a phone call from Kyoko shortly after he returned home.
However this is impossible, because Kyoko is dead. It's around this time that Ryo's mind starts to twist & turn the reality around him little by little. (This eventually escalates into full blown madness by the time we see Ryo in Silver Case.)
What connects Ryo to the story of Moonlight Syndrome is that he was blackmailed by both Yayoi & Mitra to agree with a contract that would ensure Mika Kishi's safety. Mika was supposed to have been killed by a stalker, but her death was prevented by MITRA when Ryo consented to the contract.
Ryo wants to keep Mika alive, because Mika reminds him of his sister.
He views Mika as his second chance to redeem himself.
Ryo thinks it's his fault that Kyoko died, because he wasn't around to protect her.
To Ryo, Mika is the only remnant of Kyoko that he has left to cling on to. (Besides Kyoko's head.)
For Ryo, Mika is the last remaining trace of his sanity left on Earth that keeps him from going insane.
What actually happened is that the kid (MITRA) presented Ryo an ultimatum or a contract that would extend Mika's life & ensure her safety.
Ryo consents to the contract, because Mika reminds him of his dead sister.
However the contract is automatically nullified once Ryo or Mika make physical contact with each other.

The journalist who records the events of the Twilight Syndrome.
Aramata appears in every Twilight Syndrome game. Trying to document any new discoveries that he may find. He functions as the save point for Moonlight Syndrome. At first glance many people assume that Aramata is some sort of shady antagonist, but he's really just a character who keeps tabs on the effects of the Twilight Syndrome.
Kahara, Arisa

Age: 15
school year: First grader (10th grade)
Mika's friend. She typically charges forward into a case with little regard to the danger or consequences. Even more so than Mika.
Touba, Sumio
 Age: 18
school year: Senior
coming soon
Touba, Rumi
 Age: 17
school year: Second grader (11th grade)
Coming soon
Itsushima, Yayoi

coming soon

Coming soon
-Img provided by Kurt
Kalata of Hardcore Gaming 101-

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